Outdoor Art in the Desert

Art that is exhibited outdoors is exposed to the elements. Factors that can affect the lifespan of objects in the desert include:

• The intense heat of summer days
• The intense cold of winter nights
• Dryness during much of the year
• Sudden rains that can create occasional flooding
• Periodic high winds
• Abrasive debris (such as sand)
• pH of the soil
• The presence of animals

In addition, the shifting sands of the desert floor require consideration when designing art exhibits, as this can lead to stress cracks over time.

We recommend that art be designed with durability in mind, although it is also possible that an exhibit might be designed intentionally to break down over time.

Any living plants used MUST be indigenous to the area, able to thrive in full sun without a source of water beyond naturally occurring rains, and able to survive a freeze. Many of the plants sold in nurseries in the Las Vegas area (an hour or so away) cannot survive in the Cactus Springs area where the Temple is located. If you wish to incorporate living plants into your art exhibit, please contact the Resident Priestess for more information.

Any power used in exhibits must be generated by sun or wind, with the power system built into the exhibit in an esthetic way.

The desert sun often affects colors over time. Many fade. Others, like glass, can change colors depending on the elements used in its manufacture. Protective coatings, especially those that contain UV-filtering ingredients, can help painted art retain its original colors longer.

Physical characteristics of the land where the Sekhmet Temple is located:

Terrain: High desert (Mojave)
Zone: 9
Elevation: 3000 ft.
Temperature Range: 20-120º F
Winds up to 60 MPH during storms