Spiritual retreat can take many forms. Imagine coming to the Temple of Goddess Spirituality for an artist’s retreat.  Here in the deep peace of the desert silence, ideas are waiting to germinate.

Come paint a picture, make a sculpture, or create a beautiful mosaic piece. Creativity is one of the most spiritual acts we are capable of.  When we bring something into being, we are expressing our Goddess nature.

What is waiting to come to birth through you? By giving yourself the gift of the desert’s silence and stillness, you can deepen into the Source from which creativity comes.

During an artist’s retreat, you can work on your own personal art projects, or participate in one of the larger community sacred art projects taking place at the Temple.  For details, explore the Current Projects pages on the drop-down menu above.

The Temple of Goddess Spirituality is an oasis of sacred art.  View some of the beautiful images of the Divine Feminine that grace the temple, grounds, and guest quarters. You can read more about the main Sekhmet statue and the Madre de Mundo statue in the Herstory of the Temple of Goddess Spirituality. Monica Sjöö’s beautiful painting in the guesthouse has been enjoyed by many Temple visitors. A number of artists have donated pieces to the temple, some that were created or conceived while there.   Consciousness of the sacred is reflected back to visitors in many different ways.

Please note: All mentioned are artistic creations that reside at the Temple of Goddess Spirituality dedicated to Sekhmet.  All credit and thanks to the generous artists who made these pieces.

Sacred Art article written and published by Priestess Candace Ross 12.22.2010

Page/article adapted and under construction as of 8.5.22