“Not unto Thee may we attain unless Thy image be Love.” ~A.Crowley, The Gnostic Mass
“Beauty does not linger, it only visits. Yet beauty’s visitation affects us and invites us into its rhythm, it calls us to feel, think, and act beautifully in the world: to create and live a life that awakens the Beautiful.” ~John O’Donohue
We are currently accepting applications for art exhibits to be permanently displayed as part of one of the following projects:
1) Names of Sekhmet Meditation Path (a Sacred Art Trail) >> Proposals may be for free standing art in any medium that honors, depicts, evokes or invokes one of the Names of Sekhmet. Once a proposal has been approved, the Name of Sekhmet chosen as the theme for the project will be marked as “reserved.”
2) Outdoor Art Gallery >> Proposals may be for art in any medium that can be hung on an exterior wall. Themes are Goddess, Peace, Giving, and Nature.
3) Other: If you have an idea for a sacred art installation of some other kind, please share the details in your proposal.
Please contact us with a brief description of the art you wish to create for donation to the temple. If the art has already been created by you or another artist, please include photos. We will contact you for additional information.
Art proposals will be approved based on appropriateness of the theme and vision for its expression, as well as esthetic criteria.