Fire Safety

On Sunday, Spirit told me to turn on the hose and go out to the Temple. As I had not filled the water bowls that morning, I assumed this was what the guidance was about. However, when I got there, I found the stump seat next to Virgen de Guadalupe burning! There were...

Fundraiser to Replace Stolen Sekhmet Statue

Dear Sekhmet Family, It has now been over a week since thieves removed the statue of Sekhmet from the Temple. Reluctantly, we have looked into having a replacement statue made, and found a wonderful artist in southern California, who can create for us a beautiful (and...

November News

Ming (my live in helper and companion til the end of the year) and I have been making great headway with the pit greenhouse. The southern facing rock wall is going up quickly, and we will be starting on the wooden planter box opposite it very soon. This Thursday,...