by Sekhmet Temple | Apr 4, 2017 | Archives, Blog
Monday, April 10 – Full Moon Celebration (Open to All): Potluck at 7:00 pm in the pavilion, followed by ritual in the Temple at 8:00 pm. “Second feast” in the pavilion after ritual, winding up by 10:00 pm The Nevada Desert Experience Peace Walkers...
by Sekhmet Temple | Nov 7, 2016 | Archives, Blog
Hello, Family: We have two exciting events for you this month: Monday, November 14 – Community Full Moon Celebration (Open to All) Potluck in the Pavilion at 7:00 pm, followed by ritual in the Temple at 8:00 pm. The ritual theme this month, to honor our...
by Sekhmet Temple | Feb 8, 2011 | Archives, Blog
Active Spirituality by Candace Ross In 2007, I was honored to be selected by Genevieve Vaughan to become the resident priestess at the Temple of Goddess Spirituality dedicated to Sekhmet, when the former priestess, Anne Key, decided that after 3 years, it was time for...