Rev. Areeya Marie Sharpe

Resident Priestess: Jan 1, 2021-Pres

Rev. Areeya Marie Sharpe has been Priestessing in the Mojave area for over 20yrs. An interfaith minister and daughter of Earth Mother, she has traveled to numerous locales around the globe listening…. Listening to the whispers of divine essence in service with our homeworld. Thank you mother life bearer of fierce compassion. Infinite gratitude for calling me into this tiny precious human body to continue to serve with you, community and all the living things, for the best good of all beings.

Medical Qigong Practicioner, USAF Veteran, ceremonialist, artist, singer, hula dancer. professional sacred scent adept and chef. Rev. Areeya is deeply thankful with/for and about Mother Earth, all of her teachers, guides. and ancestors… with those of service for the good of the whole…

blessings aLLways