So many wonderful events coming up in October! Be sure to mark your calendars:
Friday, October 12: Fiesty Feminine Film Night – Episodes 3 and 4 of the Joseph Campbell PBS series, “The Power of Myth.” Shown at the home of Priestess Ross (Casa del Sol). Please arrive by 7:00 pm; film starts promptly at 7:15. Open to all
Sunday, October 14: Women’s New Moon Costume Party (please note date change)! Come as your favorite Goddess or Empowered Woman. Dinner is provided so please let Candace Ross know if you are planning to come in order to assure an accurate head count: (702) 569-0630. We will gather at the Guest House at 7:00 pm. Come prepared to say a few words about your Goddess or Empowered Woman. There will be prizes! This event is for Women Only.
Saturday, October 20: Bone Dance. Annual event put on by Vegas Vortex. Please visit the Vegas Vortex website for details and to register for this event. All regular Temple rules apply: no drugs, alcohol or weapons permitted on grounds. Please note: The Guest House will not be available.
Monday, October 29: Full Moon Ceremony. We will gather at the Guest House at 7:00 pm for potluck, followed by ritual in the Temple at 8:00 pm. After ritual, you are welcome to linger in the Temple, or return to the Guest House for conversation and “second feast.” Open to all.
Wednesday, October 31: Samhain Celebration. We will honor and celebrate our beloved dead by bringing their favorites foods to potluck this evening. We begin at the Guest House at 7:00 pm, and move to the Temple around 8:00 pm for ritual. As usual, you are invited to linger in the Temple after ritual or return to the Guest House for conversation and “second feast.” Open to all.
Love and blessings!