. Tuesday, July 3 – Full Moon: Potluck from 7 to 8 pm, followed by ritual in the Temple
. Friday, July 13 – Film Nite: This months offering is “Queen of the Sun – What are the bees telling us.” The film will be shown in my home (Casa Del Sol). Please arrive by 7pm; film starts promptly at 7:15.
. Wednesday, July 18 – Women’s New Moon: Potluck in the Guest House at 7pm, followed by ritual in the Temple at 8pm. Drums, rattles, singing voices welcome!
. Wednesday, July 25 – A Day Out of Time (Special Event): Based on a 13-month calendar, July 25th is the “day out of time.” We are planning an all day Festival and community event based on Forgiveness, Peace, Atonement, Timelessness and Loving Kindness. We welcome all community groups participation. If you would like to hold an event here that day please contact Priestess Candace Ross at 702-569-0630. Feel free to pass this along to anyone who may be interested. The day will conclude with potluck at 7pm and ritual in the Temple at 8 pm. We will be doing shadow work with with special guest, Priestess Liona Rowan.
I would also like to give all the ladies a “heads up” about our October Women’s New Moon event. We will be hosting a “Come as your favorite Goddess (or empowered woman) Costume Party that evening. So mark your calendar and start planning your outfit! : )
There are a number of upcoming events that I would love input/help with:
(1) As mentioned above, this month we have “A Day out of Time” on Wednesday, July 25. (It is the extra day when using a 13 month calendar.) We will be having potluck at 7pm and ritual in the Temple at 8pm, but I’d like to see a full day of events. If you have a a group you’d like to bring out or a talent that you’d like to offer the community that day, please let me know.
(2) We are thinking of having a booth at Pagan Pride again this year, if there are people interested in volunteering to work it for an hour or two that day. Let me know!
(3) We’ve been invited to participate again this year in the Las Vegas Natural History Museum’s “A December to Remember.” We’ll have a display case and tree to decorate, and can also have a workshop and be part of a holiday tradition fashion show. Again if any of this peaks your interest, please contact Priestess Candace Rosss via e-amil or phone: 702-569-0630