WeLL Come all as we celebrate the first day of harvest here in the Mojave… in the northern hemisphere!
There are many traditions around the world giving gift offerings and celebrating first harvest through the seasons, from August 1st through October 31st(!Western Europe roots?), depending what land and cultures…. We are thankFuLL to gather at 630pm, sharing a potluck together in the Peace Pavilion. We process to the temple for ritual at 730pm when the suns about down and our desert mama turns down the heat for us🔥
oh yeah…. And what about drumming and dancing? Bringing a drum and/or your dance to express, participate and connect is a yes yes yes…if It’s in your heart….with respect of this parent earth, all the living things and sanctuary flow…in equanimity. Hmmm… first drum we hear…. Some might say… Our grandmothers heartbeat as an ovo in our mamas belly as she is developing within her grandmothers womb… that’s some food for thought…. What are some other thoughts perhaps of offerings…(physically, heartmind, spirit?)
Please bring what is best for comfort in an outdoors setting in the desert summers. Water, extra cushions and???
What if we offer the harvest fire from our hearts to compost and nourish others…. Our old medicines offered in self regulating as nourishment to this earth and all the living things…. What skins that don’t fit, be they family patterns, personal blinders, trauma, rewiring, illusions, delusions…. What is it, how is it life affirming to all and how can it be offered with gentility, discernment and caring……. midwifing ourselves, families and communities in communion with our earth and all the living things.
blessings aLLways,
Temple of Goddess Spirituality dedicated to Sekhmet