We had a light. soaking rain here recently, and as I walked to the Temple for my regular morning vigil of lighting a candle, burning some incense, and singing for the Lady, I was overwhelmed by the beauty that surrounded me.
Damp, fertile earth, crisp Spring air, clear blue sky, rising morning sun. It doesn’t get any better.
The Temple will be celebrating Earth Day here on Saturday April 23rd. It will be an all day event (see details below) and you are invited to attend all or any part of it. If you do not live nearby, I encourage you to hold your own, or attend another groups Earth Day. It is a wonderful time for us all to think about our Mother Earth, and how we can work together so that our children and our children’s children can know the beauty we have known.
Our Earth Day focus this year will be “Plants.” Humans cannot survive without plants, and yet like so many other aspects of life, we rarely honor them, or acknowledge our reliance on them. They feed us, they make oxygen, they provide medicines, they clothe us and provide us shelter, their fragrance and flowers enrich our lives. Let us bless the plants as they bless us.
11:00 am “Free Market” set –up (this event runs all day)
12:00 noon Ritual at Temple
1:00 pm Potluck and weeny roast near the Guest House
2:00-5:00pm Various Earth related work shops, speakers, crafts
Our Free Market has been a favorite for the past three years. Bring any items (books, clothes, small household goods) that you no longer want, set them out on a blanket and walk away. You are welcome to “shop” what others have donated, and either leave what is left of your offerings at the end of the day (they will be taken to a local thrift store) or reclaim them when you go.
For the potluck, please bring a dish to share and a folding chair or two.
There will be many interesting workshops and crafts for both children and adults. We still have a few 30 minute openings between 3 and 5 pm. If you have something earth related you’d like to share, please call me at: 702-569-0630 See you soon!