Hello Family!

We have two great events planned for you in August!


Monday, August 1:  Lammas, the first of three harvest festivals (Open to All)

Potluck at 7:00 pm in the Pavilion area.

We will hold a Silent Auction from 7:00 pm til 7:45, at which time the winning bids will be announced. There will be a nice selection of items offered with opening bids ranging from $5 to $40.

Ritual in the Temple at 8:00 pm, followed by “second feast” and lively conversation back in the Pavilion til 10:00 pm.

Thursday, August 18: Full Moon Celebration (Open to All)

Potluck and Silent Auction in the Pavilion at 7:00 pm, followed by ritual in the Temple at 8:00 pm.

Please note: In an effort to cut down on both expenses and waste, we would like to encourage you to bring your own plate, cup and eating utensils to potluck. (Paper and plastic will be provided for those forgetting.)

See you there!

Bright Blessings,

Priestess Candace Ross