So many wonderful, interesting things happening here in April! Please mark your calendars for:
Sunday April 1st
The Nevada Desert Experience Annual Peace Walk leaves Las Vegas for a week long walk to the Test Site. They will be staying here at the Temple for a night or two on the walk, and having an evening ritual here on Wednesday April 4th. Please join them for an hour, a day, or the entire week’s journey. Call Jim Haber at NDE for details: 702-646-4814
Friday April 6th
Full Moon Celebration at the Temple. We will gather at the Guest House at 7pm for potluck, followed by ritual in the Temple at 8pm. Afterwards “second feast”, community and conversation continue back at the Guest House.
Friday April 13th
Film Nite at the Temple We will meet at my home (across from the Guest House) at 7pm. Film starts promptly at 7:15. This months showing will be: “Signs out of Time, the story of archaeologist Marija Gimbutas, narrated by Olympia Dukakis. Gimbutus uncovered the life-affirming and goddess worshipping civilizations of prehistoric “Old Europe”.
Saturday April 21st and Sunday April 22nd
Women Only event. Mask Making workshop with Acclaimed Artist Lauren Raine beginning at 9am on Saturday (Lunch break at 1 and Dinner break at 5 followed by Women’s New Moon ritual in the evening.
All are invited to spend the night, and complete their masks Sunday Morning, (although you could go home as well if unable to spend Saturday night here, and return Sunday for completion of the workshop.) This event is limited to 10 women, and there is a $20 materials fee. Please reserve your spot today! Call 702-569-0630
Sunday April 22nd
Earth Day Celebration Ritual in the Temple at 12:30 followed by potluck picnic. Several activities planned for the children. As always, hot dogs (both meat and vegetarian) and Earth Day Cake will be provided by the Temple.