May 2018 Events at the Temple!!

Hello Family!

Please mark your calendars for these upcoming May events.

Tuesday May 1 – Beltain!

Potluck in the pavilion at 7 pm (please bring a dish to share) followed by a dance around the May Pole, then ritual in the Temple beginning at 8 pm. Open to all

Tuesday May 15 – Women’s New Moon

Potluck at 7 pm (please bring a dish to share) followed by ritual with Priestess Sherry Watts in the temple at 8 pm. Women Only

Tuesday May 29 – Full Moon Celebration

Potluck at 7 pm in the pavilion, (please bring a dish to share) followed by ritual in the Temple at 8 pm, lead by Priestess Candace Kant. Open to all

(Hmmm, all May events fall on Tuesdays! That has not happened before in my 11 years here! An auspicious sign I’m sure!!! )

Love and blessings,

Priestess Candace Ross